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Raising Capital for Early Stage Business

  • 11/07/2023
  • 5:00 PM
  • Sidekick, 616 W Bertrand Ave., St. Marys


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Raising Capital for Early Stage Business

Entrepreneurs crave an opportunity to offer customers a solution they are good at producing, and hope to be paid well enough to keep offering it.  But before reaching profitability, many business owners need to survive the initial startup and scaling phases required to reach an efficient volume of sales.

Often, the more complex the business, the more startup capital that is needed.  Yet, there are no capital requirements to be an "entrepreneur".  Do you have the cash to bootstrap until you are profitable?  Most don't (or don't wish to risk it, even if they do).

Capital planning is essential to startup and early stage success.  Skip doing it at your own risk.  Attend this introduction to capital planning and learn the basics about types and sources of capital and what it takes to attract it.  Founder, institutional, investor and social capital will all be touched upon.  Come and learn how to earn the attention of capital partners, so you can focus more on delighting your customers.