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St. Marys Summer Classic

  • 06/15/2024
  • 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • 5th and Bertrand Ave., St. Marys, KS


We're thrilled to have you join us for a day full of wiffle ball fun, community spirit, and family-friendly vibes. To make sure everyone has a blast, we’ve laid out a few ground rules:

Family-Friendly Zone: This event is all about wholesome fun for everyone. To ensure that this event is something that the whole family can enjoy, please leave your music and any speakers at home or in your ears.

Be A Good Sport: Good sportsmanship is the name of the game!  There will not be any umpires.  The captains will be responsible for resolving any disputed calls.  If an agreement can not be reached, the play will result in a do over.  The ball doesn’t lie.

Keep it Fair: We’re all here for a good time, so let’s keep it friendly. Anyone who doesn’t play by the rules of fair play and respect will be shown the exit—no refunds.

Entry fee: 

Adult teams: $50

14 & Under teams: $25

All Players must sign a waiver form prior to playing. Minors must have a parent or guardian signature

SM Classic 2024 Wiffle Ball Rules (2).pdf

Waiver Liability Release Form.pdf